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LeaseWeb expands cybersecurity services to all APAC customers

The hosting organization will exhibit and host sessions this week at the Cloud Expo Asia in Singapore.

Singapore, 11 October 2016 – LeaseWeb, one of the world’s largest hosting brands, is expanding its security services to all APAC customers. The new available services include a web application firewall (WAF), threat intelligence support by application security experts and a 24/7 Security Operation Center, staffed by application service experts. As result of the increased importance of cybersecurity for companies, LeaseWeb started to introduce new cybersecurity services at the end of last year and offers their clients innovative hybrid cloud solutions and other managed services. The new services are now also available in Asia. They enable businesses to respond to threats and mitigate attacks such as DDoS by adjusting their security situation via a configurable, cloud-based dashboard which can be integrated into existing dashboards or applications. They can also continuously analyze their vulnerability and monitor suspicious traffic to prevent data breaches. 

The web application firewall is integrated into the LeaseWeb Content Delivery Network (CDN). It uses advanced threat detection techniques, combining website acceleration with end-to-end security including DDoS attack mitigation in the network. LeaseWeb Application Security can be used for every web application, regardless of its hosting infrastructure, location or provider, making this a stand-alone service which can also be used by non-LeaseWeb customers.

LeaseWeb Application Security is further augmented by a 24/7 Security Operation Center that reacts to every incoming attack. With the help of the Security Operation Center, customers can constantly analyze their vulnerability and mitigate threats with a high degree of customization. In order to mitigate spammers, data breaches and DDoS attacks in real-time, fast-responding and effective application security experts are available around the clock. After an attack, the user will receive a formal and detailed attack report.

“We were very happy with how things worked out, especially for the IPC’s website during the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, and how the servers and the WAF handled the increased traffic” says Eva Werthmann, Media Operations Senior Manager at the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). “The WAF also saved us from several attacks that we suffered during the Games, so it was definitely worth the investment.”

Come and visit LeaseWeb’s stand (K7) at Cloud Expo Asia (12 and 13 October 2016) in Singapore. Here, experts can tell more about migration to the cloud or the use of hybrid hosting to create a tailored solution for customers. LeaseWeb will also be hosting the following two sessions:

DDoS mitigation: A technical deep-dive

Bastiaan Spandaw, Technical Director at LeaseWeb, will address critical technical issues in combatting DDoS attacks.

When: Cloud Security Service Providers Theatre/Risk Compliance and Governance Theatre

Where: Weds 12th October 2016, 10:40 - 11:05 (including Q&A)

How to secure a ‘cloud company’ on a global scale

Fred Streefland, Chief Information Security Officer at LeaseWeb, will pinpoint the key cloud security areas every company should be focused on.

When: Cloud Security Expo Keynote Theatre (Developing and Delivering Cloud Security Strategies)

Where: Thurs 13th October 2016, 10:30 - 10:55 (including Q&A)

Details Cloud Expo Asia:

Marina Bay Sands

10 Bayfront Ave



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