Trust in cloud providers shaken

No longer trust public cloud hyperscalers? You’re not alone. Our research uncovered a significant lack of trust in public cloud providers amongst UK IT industry professionals in 2022. Unsurprisingly, this has come with a steady decrease of ‘Cloud Only’ and ‘Cloud First’ approaches in the area over the past years. But why is this happening?

book cover of a report - how UK IT professionals really view the cloud

Top choices of IT professionals during and post-pandemic

Over 50% of UK IT professionals trust public cloud hyperscalers less than they did two years ago. In our research, we investigated the causes behind the mistrust and the infrastructure strategies organizations are opting for instead.

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Find the flexibility you’re looking for at Leaseweb

One thing is certain – companies need more solutions tailored to their specific needs. A one-size-fits-all approach just won’t cut it anymore.

At Leaseweb, flexibility has been at our core from the beginning. When your business must adapt, so can we. Étant une société privée, nous n'avons aucun engagement autre qu'envers nos clients. Nos solutions de cloud hybride sont évolutives et se développent avec vous au fur et à mesure de vos besoins.

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