Ne laissez pas les cyberattaques gâcher l'ambiance des fêtes

Blog - Ecommerce - Thu, 12/14/2017 - 10:39
Cyber-attaquesLa période des fêtes peut s'avérer cruciale pour un détaillant en ligne. By doing things well, you can expect sales to surge and your customer base to grow throughout 2018. Do things poorly and you sacrifice many sales while cultivating a negative image for your brand. And if there’s one thing that can seriously damage your brand’s reputation, […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Sécurisez votre avenir avec la connectivité de réseau point à point

Blog - Network - Tue, 12/12/2017 - 13:38
point-to-pointBusinesses that depend on connecting to multiple locations with speed often resort to point-to-point architecture. Point-to-point network connectivity is an exceptional solution for businesses because it is best in class, and provides a secure network and an extremely fast connection. Fiber-carried point-to-point is often considered to be future-proof in that it contains some of the most […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Votre site est-il prêt pour gérer le trafic des vacances ?

Blog - Ecommerce - Fri, 12/8/2017 - 09:33
commerce électronique lié à la circulation des vacancesLa saison des achats des fêtes 2017 promet d'être l'une des plus intenses de l'histoire, en particulier pour les vendeurs au détail en ligne. Total sales are projected to grow by 16.6 percent over last year, with online sales comprising 11.5 percent of all holiday shopping. The period before, during, and after the holiday season is a huge sales opportunity for you. […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Votre site est-il prêt pour gérer le trafic des vacances ?

Blog - CDN - Fri, 12/8/2017 - 09:33
commerce électronique lié à la circulation des vacancesLa saison des achats des fêtes 2017 promet d'être l'une des plus intenses de l'histoire, en particulier pour les vendeurs au détail en ligne. Total sales are projected to grow by 16.6 percent over last year, with online sales comprising 11.5 percent of all holiday shopping. The period before, during, and after the holiday season is a huge sales opportunity for you. […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Focus on Your Core Business With Managed Network Services

Blog - Network - Thu, 11/23/2017 - 14:57
services réseau gérésWhether you’re managing a remote workforce, utilizing a lot of data, or need top-notch cyber security, it all takes a toll on your network infrastructure. It is tough to meet all these needs within a tight budget and existing bandwidth, especially if you’re doing it on your own. The good news is that you don’t […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

4 Manières de vous assurer que votre boutique Internet reste ouverte

Blog - Hybrid Cloud - Wed, 11/8/2017 - 10:41
hébergement pour le commerce électroniqueWhile global e-commerce sales are predicted to approach $2.5 trillion this year and continue to grow to nearly $4 trillion by 2020, according to a recent eMarketer report, the market remains highly competitive. Nearly 80 percent of new e-commerce sites ultimately fail, and companies need to have a strong understanding of their market, trends, merchandise, platform, and e-commerce […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

4 Manières de vous assurer que votre boutique Internet reste ouverte

Blog - Ecommerce - Wed, 11/8/2017 - 10:41
hébergement pour le commerce électroniqueWhile global e-commerce sales are predicted to approach $2.5 trillion this year and continue to grow to nearly $4 trillion by 2020, according to a recent eMarketer report, the market remains highly competitive. Nearly 80 percent of new e-commerce sites ultimately fail, and companies need to have a strong understanding of their market, trends, merchandise, platform, and e-commerce […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

4 Manières de vous assurer que votre boutique Internet reste ouverte

Blog - CDN - Wed, 11/8/2017 - 10:41
hébergement pour le commerce électroniqueWhile global e-commerce sales are predicted to approach $2.5 trillion this year and continue to grow to nearly $4 trillion by 2020, according to a recent eMarketer report, the market remains highly competitive. Nearly 80 percent of new e-commerce sites ultimately fail, and companies need to have a strong understanding of their market, trends, merchandise, platform, and e-commerce […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

U.S. Data Center Upgrades for Even Better Performance

Blog - Network - Tue, 10/31/2017 - 16:17
datacenterLast month, I wrote about five things you can do to ensure shorter load times for your sites. Today I want to look at a sixth, positioning your services as close as possible to your end users. Leaseweb entered the U.S. market in 2011, in part because our clients across Europe and Asia needed North […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

U.S. Data Center Upgrades for Even Better Performance

Blog - Dedicated Servers - Tue, 10/31/2017 - 16:17
datacenterLast month, I wrote about five things you can do to ensure shorter load times for your sites. Today I want to look at a sixth, positioning your services as close as possible to your end users. Leaseweb entered the U.S. market in 2011, in part because our clients across Europe and Asia needed North […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

La puissance du HTTP/2 pour le CDN

Blog - CDN - Mon, 10/23/2017 - 14:47
http/2Le HTTP est un protocole avec lequel tous les développeurs Web doivent être familiarisés. It was introduced in 1989 by Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, which he developed using a single NeXTcube workstation, and it continues to prove reliable for networks with port connection speeds surpassing 10 megabits. Then, in 2015, the Internet Engineering Task Force released HTTP/2, […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

From Hyperscale to Open Options: Preparing for Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack

Blog - Hybrid Cloud - Wed, 10/18/2017 - 14:53
Microsoft Azure StackFollowing the recent announcement of our Azure Stack Beta program, we spoke with Leaseweb’s Technical Evangelist Robert van der Meulen about how Azure Stack will usher in a new era in hybrid cloud computing. Today’s cloud adopters will see many benefits by developing a hybrid cloud strategy that combines the features of both open cloud […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Ce qu'il faut pour rester dans la partie dans un monde de gamers

Blog - Gaming - Thu, 10/5/2017 - 14:45
infrastructure de jeuPersonne n'a jamais accusé les développeurs de jeux d'avoir un métier facile. But over the past decade, more powerful and expensive hardware, as well as social games hosted on smartphones, have upped the ante. The gaming world is larger and more competitive than ever, and the market is evolving constantly. Nowadays, even really good developers will make games […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Ce qu'il faut pour rester dans la partie dans un monde de gamers

Blog - Dedicated Servers - Thu, 10/5/2017 - 14:45
infrastructure de jeuPersonne n'a jamais accusé les développeurs de jeux d'avoir un métier facile. But over the past decade, more powerful and expensive hardware, as well as social games hosted on smartphones, have upped the ante. The gaming world is larger and more competitive than ever, and the market is evolving constantly. Nowadays, even really good developers will make games […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Mobilisez votre talent naturel pour une véritable carrière à succès

Blog - Life at Leaseweb - Thu, 9/28/2017 - 09:52
Career Success  Most people have tried at some point to be someone they’re not. Sometimes it’s because we like the change, and sometimes it’s because we feel like we have to change in order to fit in. When I was a little boy, I loved playing football. While I was a decent central defender and right […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Le secret de temps de chargement plus courts sur les sites de commerce électronique

Blog - Hybrid Cloud - Mon, 9/11/2017 - 11:59
temps de charge réduitsLes ventes de commerce électronique ont considérablement augmenté au cours des récentes années et cette croissance continue d'accélérer. Between 2015 and 2016, online sales increased almost 16 percent, and e-commerce is expected to continue to grow at rates above 20 percent. For online sellers and developers of e-commerce sites, this means the market will only become more competitive, and […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Le secret de temps de chargement plus courts sur les sites de commerce électronique

Blog - Ecommerce - Mon, 9/11/2017 - 11:59
temps de charge réduitsLes ventes de commerce électronique ont considérablement augmenté au cours des récentes années et cette croissance continue d'accélérer. Between 2015 and 2016, online sales increased almost 16 percent, and e-commerce is expected to continue to grow at rates above 20 percent. For online sellers and developers of e-commerce sites, this means the market will only become more competitive, and […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Le secret de temps de chargement plus courts sur les sites de commerce électronique

Blog - CDN - Mon, 9/11/2017 - 11:59
temps de charge réduitsLes ventes de commerce électronique ont considérablement augmenté au cours des récentes années et cette croissance continue d'accélérer. Between 2015 and 2016, online sales increased almost 16 percent, and e-commerce is expected to continue to grow at rates above 20 percent. For online sellers and developers of e-commerce sites, this means the market will only become more competitive, and […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Comment choisir le bon hébergeur SaaS

Blog - Hybrid Cloud - Tue, 8/29/2017 - 09:53
hébergement saasOver the past decade, SaaS has grown to be the primary service delivery model for companies across all industries, and according to a recent Gartner report, over 70 percent of companies utilize the model. While that same report forecasts slower growth in the SaaS market over the next few years, it predicts that among all global […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Comment choisir le bon hébergeur SaaS

Blog - SaaS - Tue, 8/29/2017 - 09:53
hébergement saasOver the past decade, SaaS has grown to be the primary service delivery model for companies across all industries, and according to a recent Gartner report, over 70 percent of companies utilize the model. While that same report forecasts slower growth in the SaaS market over the next few years, it predicts that among all global […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb
