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Leaseweb is a quality cloud provider and operator of a first-class worldwide network.
Updated: 53 min 47 sec ago

3 éléments indispensables pour assurer le succès de votre entreprise d’e-commerce durant les fêtes

Tue, 11/8/2022 - 09:57
Préparez votre entreprise d’e-commerce aux fêtes de fin d’annéeIl s’agit de la période la plus festive de l’année, mais aussi de la période la plus chargée pour les e-commerçants. The 2022 holiday shopping season is underway with online sales forecast to grow by 12.8% to 14.3% over last year, reaching $260 billion.  Even with rising inflation and ongoing inventory concerns, consumers are planning to spend this holiday season, which […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Pour atténuer les problèmes de chaîne d’approvisionnement, tournez-vous vers le cloud

Fri, 2/11/2022 - 15:36
Atténuer les problèmes de chaîne d’approvisionnementEven with the global supply chain crisis sparked by the emergence of COVID-19 and a sky-rocketed increase in consumer demand, eCommerce business is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, 2022 is expected to be another record-breaking year for the industry. Total U.S. eCommerce sales are projected to grow 16.1% and will increase 2.5% […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

5 Common Online Service Costs and How to Avoid Them (5 frais courants des services en ligne et comment les éviter)

Fri, 12/4/2020 - 16:52
Many organizations are taking the leap to begin rolling out new online services – and with relatively low development costs and a wide range of use cases, it’s no surprise that online services are rising in popularity. From internal self-service platforms for HR, to customer-facing solutions, all the way to Software as a Service and […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

How the Right Cloud Hosting Solution Can Help to Avoid Tech Issues for Retailers (Comment la bonne solution d’hébergement cloud peut aider à éviter les problèmes techniques des détaillants)

Thu, 12/19/2019 - 16:11
Since its creation in the 1950s, Black Friday has staked its claim as the post-Thanksgiving tradition, and in 2005 (capitalizing on the boom of the online retail industry) Cyber Monday joined the retail holiday shopping weekend. Today, Black Friday and Cyber Monday have become staples in American culture and cornerstones of the retail industry. This […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Taking a shopping trip to the future (Voyage dans le futur du shopping)

Wed, 8/14/2019 - 13:20
vente au détailLa nouvelle ère du commerce de détail est un mélange passionnant de physique et de numérique. Our retail experiences are being enriched by technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR). It’s amazing how much intelligence is out there!  In this blog post, we follow fictitious protagonist Simon on a trip to […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Commerce électronique : Votre site Internet et votre infrastructure peuvent être la source de la réussite comme de l'échec de votre entreprise

Fri, 12/14/2018 - 14:39
Commerce électroniqueRunning an E-commerce business is a daunting task, and trying to ensure its success is even more difficult due to the highly competitive world of digital marketing. Companies are tasked with determining what strategies will work best for their businesses and then need to be able to adapt to overcome various challenges to become successful.  The importance […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Ne laissez pas les cyberattaques gâcher l'ambiance des fêtes

Thu, 12/14/2017 - 10:39
Cyber-attaquesLa période des fêtes peut s'avérer cruciale pour un détaillant en ligne. By doing things well, you can expect sales to surge and your customer base to grow throughout 2018. Do things poorly and you sacrifice many sales while cultivating a negative image for your brand. And if there’s one thing that can seriously damage your brand’s reputation, […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Votre site est-il prêt pour gérer le trafic des vacances ?

Fri, 12/8/2017 - 09:33
commerce électronique lié à la circulation des vacancesLa saison des achats des fêtes 2017 promet d'être l'une des plus intenses de l'histoire, en particulier pour les vendeurs au détail en ligne. Total sales are projected to grow by 16.6 percent over last year, with online sales comprising 11.5 percent of all holiday shopping. The period before, during, and after the holiday season is a huge sales opportunity for you. […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

4 Manières de vous assurer que votre boutique Internet reste ouverte

Wed, 11/8/2017 - 10:41
hébergement pour le commerce électroniqueWhile global e-commerce sales are predicted to approach $2.5 trillion this year and continue to grow to nearly $4 trillion by 2020, according to a recent eMarketer report, the market remains highly competitive. Nearly 80 percent of new e-commerce sites ultimately fail, and companies need to have a strong understanding of their market, trends, merchandise, platform, and e-commerce […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Le secret de temps de chargement plus courts sur les sites de commerce électronique

Mon, 9/11/2017 - 11:59
temps de charge réduitsLes ventes de commerce électronique ont considérablement augmenté au cours des récentes années et cette croissance continue d'accélérer. Between 2015 and 2016, online sales increased almost 16 percent, and e-commerce is expected to continue to grow at rates above 20 percent. For online sellers and developers of e-commerce sites, this means the market will only become more competitive, and […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

5 manières de protéger votre entreprise contre les attaques DDoS

Wed, 6/28/2017 - 09:22
Attaques DDoSEn tant qu'entreprise en ligne, vous avez la responsabilité d'assurer la sécurité de l'argent durement gagné par vos clients face aux attaques DDoS. Unfortunately, hackers are making it harder to fulfill that responsibility. Verizon’s 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report found that the e-commerce industry falls victim to cyberattacks more than any other industry. In some cases, hackers are looking to […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

5 Manières de préparer votre site aux pics de trafic

Mon, 6/19/2017 - 16:25
Pic de traficEn tant que professionnel de l'informatique, vous accordez de l'importance aux consultations de pages et aux visiteurs uniques sur votre site. But at times of peak traffic, they can be as much of an obstacle as an asset. The popularity of your website can make it the victim of its own success. Target experienced this problem firsthand when it introduced its Lilly Pulitzer […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

Pour réussir dans l'e-commerce, il vous faut le partenaire adéquat

Tue, 6/6/2017 - 17:03
Commerce électroniqueThere’s a saying in the venture capital community: If you want money, ask for advice; if you want advice, ask for money. It doesn’t work quite the same way with cloud hosting providers. But it is true that customers who ask us for advice during the pre-sale process are often the ones who end up […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

EU-US Privacy Shield: next steps

Tue, 3/1/2016 - 17:20
Some weeks ago we informed you of the EU-US Privacy Shield, announced by the European Commission on 2 février 2016 meaning a new arrangement for transatlantic data flows between the EU and US. In this blog you can read recent developments of the EU-US Privacy Shield and alternative solutions offered by Leaseweb. EU US Privacy […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

3 manières de maximiser le RSI publicitaire et de site Web via l'IaaS

Tue, 1/19/2016 - 14:00
les client veulent que le contenu soit fourni instantanément. Whether it’s articles & videos or any type of advertising inventory pushed from a Supply-Side Platform (SSP) to a Demand-Side Platform (DSP), Owned Media, or big data being transmitted into a Data Management Platform (DMP) and used for analysis and real-time optimizations, it has to appear on the screen in […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb

How the Safe Harbour principle invalidation affects Leaseweb

Thu, 10/8/2015 - 14:55
“The Court of Justice declares that the Commission’s U.S. Safe Harbour Decision is invalid.” The Safe Harbour arrangement has been in place since 2000. It was formalized by the European Commission’s Safe Harbour Decision (2000/520/EC), and permitted the transfer of personal data of Europeans to the U.S., to companies that are self-certified under the Safe […]
Categories: Blog Leaseweb